Where do I start?! Step One: Relationship with God

So we see it everyday..all day.
Those quotes, those video's, those messages that say Get on the right path..trust your journey, empower yourself... If you are like me, I believed it! I knew if I did the right things -My life would change. Things would start happening BUT the main question was...


I believe that a lot of  guru's forget to mention STEP 1 when they are so far ahead of the game. I think they forget that new people come along on the daily basis...So where? Where do you start actually?


Relationship with God.

There is nothing more important than having a relationship with God. You MUST establish a foundation and the foundation that is the uptmost important is your relationship with God.

-If you don't believe in God...you better start..RIGHT NOW! I mean it, get on your knees and start talking...whatever it is you need to say, whatever doubt, whatever teaching you had before..start talking to him! HE IS REAL!

I'm talking about a genuine, fearless, intimate relationship with GOD! Now, if you're anything like I used to be about 8 months ago...You'll say.."I have a relationship with God, I was raised in the church!" Sunday attendance does not equal eternal attendance. I don't care if you lead 10 ministries, I don't care if you're best dressed...you can be completely LOST, half way empty and have NO CLUE what it means to have a true relationship!

Trust me, I know.

I sat in a church ever since I could remember. I loved going to church as a little girl...my mom would dress me HEAD TO TOE..meaning, the slip, the stockings, the gloves, the hats, the big puffy dresses. Honeyyyyy,it was a fashion show!

As an adult I found myself lost, empty..faking it. Why couldn't the spirit move me like that? Why is there such a disconnect? What in the worlddd is wrong with me? I did everything I could to turn off that 7 year old fashion show mentality. I attended all I could..oh, if I go to Bible Study, choir practice..do this, do that..I will be filled..NAH.

I desired it so bad.
I wanted God to move within me. I wanted to hear him. I wanted his presence. But I had NO IDEA how to get those things. After alllll I was taught, allll the sermons, allll the programs...I could not get in the groove.

Relationship with God isn't structured. It isn't do this, do that, then do that. NO!
It is making God consistent in your life. Just how you jump for work and perform your best, even when you wanted to stay in bed soo bad...just like you reply to bae ASAP when you get that text, just like when we spend hoursss upon hoursss scrolling on Instagram, commenting on post on Facebook-Make God a Priority.

Here is a list of things I've done so far to strengthen my relationship with God.

  • I prayed. I'm talking that real, pure, genuine, crying, slobbering, snotty praying. Not begging God like he hasn't already told you he would provide everything you need..he already told you not to worry so don't go in prayer begging him...Go in prayer and be transparent. Ask him for direction, tell him about that thing you did that no one knows..Take it to Him!
  • Journal. Journal your Plans. Anything you plan doing, journal it. Before the beginning of 2017, God introduced me to the importance of writing down plans...I had no clue it would be a couple months later that I would attend a vision board seminar and learn how important writing down the plan means. God makes it CLEAR in the Bible to Write it Down. I'm learning more and more everyday that it is important to be specific-Include all details, describe the dream...describe it. Those things you want to post on your social media to be subliminal or get your point across...Journal It! Journal what God did for you today, yesterday...Journals are good for you to see personal progression, to refer to help other people, help yourself in those dark moments.
  • Change and clean your environment. I packed up my apartment and moved 15 hours away...without looking back. Now, that's my story-that won't necessarily be yours. Changing your environment is more than just leaving a location. Who are your friends? Do they encourage you? Do they tell you what you need to hear? Have you ever prayed with them? When's the last time you guys done something other than partying and drinking? How many clothes you have that are holding on too that you don't even like anymore? Clean it up...even family, relationships..clean it up!
  • Read the Bible by yourself. I believe that God allows people to see scripture in ways that it relates directly to their life. The biggest mistake that is made is not seeking understanding by yourself. Just you and God. Cross referencing is huge! I remember some nights, I almost shouted from the revelations God was giving me! They were so powerful! Scriptures I had never read before have become accustomed to me. I have learned things I had no idea about..(Remember, I have been in church all my life) The Bible is the answer to EVERYTHING! All of the answers are in it, we just have to make it a routine to read it.

Let's Get Started if you haven't..let's keep going strong if you've already started!
