Jaylyn Renee' Who is She?

I'm Jaylyn, Jaylyn Renee' Williams.
A 26 year old, mother, sister, aunt and friend.
I am God's child--I sin, I'm not perfect and God knows I don't ever want to be portrayed as one of those ultimate holy- hypocritical, judgmental type.
I'm a college graduate of Bowling Green State University.
I hold a Bachelors in Communications and a double minor in Social Sciences and Gerontology.

I'm a black girl with a vision, a goal, a heart. A black girl with a lot of magic.

Born in the state where dreams are made of (New York)--I am almost sure I have the chromosome of "dreamer" in my system. My biological mother did her typical "ran away when I have a new child" thing so I never got the opportunity to truly experience New York living. She ended up dropping me in Ohio..a place I dreamed of leaving by the time I got to fourth grade. 

I don't remember much about my child hood. What I do remember, I hate to share-I've fake forgot it-or I'll share it to show people I don't look like anything I've been through. So, Don't EVER Be Fooled. 

People often tell me my "life-story" is one for the books...those I tell it to anyway.  It's hard for me to see it from that perspective..well because, it is my story..it's my truth and I live it everyday-so it's not odd to me. I don't ever want to undermine anyone else's but mine is like a roller coaster, that continuously falls apart but somehow, someway, bigger than anyway I could imagine.. is put back together again.

I wanted to restart blogging...mainly because my mind doesn't stop thinking...I've grew to learn that those thoughts in my head are worth millions of dollars and I have to do better with getting them out to the public. God has told me numerous times my life story and the journey I am partaking in everyday life is the key to my millions. You would think I would have stopped sitting on it already.

Right Now, Today...I no longer sit on it.

The truth of the matter is, I know there are young girls, women and even men that NEED to hear my story. They NEED to find a timeline to scroll down on Instagram and a blog to read a few times a week to continue on with life. So they can be in touch with someone who isn't this "famous," so out-of-touch person-Someone who is facing the same things they are facing, making some of the same mistakes they are facing but who is living through a journey of growth, learning and applying (that's wisdom). I want to be that girl, that woman who you can see GROW!
